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Wrist Mk2.0 vs Wrist Mk2.1

Wrist Mk2.0 (left) vs Wrist Mk2.1 (right)

Wrist Mk2 and Elbow joints Specs

Joint number Motors Identifier Type Parent link Child link Mk2.0 lower limit Mk2.0 upper limit Mk2.1 low. l. Mk2.1 upp. l. Notes
l_elbow ROT l_upperarm l_forearm - - - - E1 in fig.
l_wrist_yaw ROT l_forearm l_wrist_1 -92° 92° -92° 92° W1 in fig.
l_wrist_roll ROT l_wrist_1 l_wrist_2 -62° 52° -33° 40° W2 in fig.
l_wrist_pitch ROT l_wrist_2 l_hand_palm -32° 32° -20° 20° W3 in fig.

Wrist Mk2 and Elbow joints 1/2

Wrist Mk2 and Elbow joints 2/2