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Robot Testing

This section will show how to use the iCubTest application to run the main testing suites for iCub encoders and devices.

Where to get the application

The application is freely downloadable from the RobotBazaar website. In the applications section you will be able to start the wizard to set up the deployment and download the script that will install everything you need.

Pressing start will start the setup wizard where the images to be used (icub-console and icub-head) and any additions will be defined. You will need to run all of the given commands in order to install the necessary packages for Linux or Mac.

Setup procedure

Below is an example on how to set up your cluster in a situation where the robot is directly connected to the laptop in a peer-to-peer configuration:

Then select the name of your robot and let's set up in detail the docker images to be used:

Let's define the machines within our network:

And finally you will be able to download the script and execute the given commands in a new terminal window.

How to use the application

The application is provided with a simple GUI in which it will be possible to select a standard suite from the one provided by the icub-tests package, upload a custom one in xml format, and decide where to save the results of the tests performed.

Once an option is selected from those available and the START button is pressed, the deployment procedure will also begin on the icub-head and a new yarprobotinterface should launch on the robot (if not already present). Once the suite is finished (e.g. encoders-icub.xml) the results will be saved in the directory indicated in the CUSTOM_PATH field or in the default directory /tmp/icub-test_results.

How to properly stop the application

In order to properly clean the various nodes in the cluster, it will be necessary to perform the application shutdown in this order:

  1. Wait for the end of the tests
  2. Press the STOP button and wait for all nodes in the docker swarm to be cleaned/deleted
  3. Close the application GUI from the X present in the window


For any emergency always keep the FAULT button handy and press it to switch off power to the motors.